Monday, September 30, 2013

For My Sisters Series #1 {Venturing Out Into The Depths}

Dear Bethany, Rachael & Esther,


If so many miles did not separate us from each other, I would share these thoughts with you over a hot cup of lemon tea. Perhaps someday we can all enjoy a tea party with each other once again, but in the mean time I have decided to jot down some of my thoughts for you to read. I hope you can glean from them and be both challenged and encouraged by them. So my precious, little Sisters, here are some thoughts I want to share with you before you venture out into the world---before you leave the warmth and safety of home---and before you set out on your own journey to be a light in the darkness (not saying that you are not already shining lights for Jesus right now, because you certainly are). I have already begun my journey of venturing out into the depths, and I still have a long ways ahead of me, but these are some things that I have learned that I wish to pass on to the three of you. So much sooner then we think and our journey on this earth will be over and we will have made it HOME, but until then let us be completely spent and worn out for God as we journey heavenward.
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